Saturday, June 11, 2011


Rules and Regulations vary from county to county for the Bail Bonds Industry in the State of Texas. Each county has its own Bail Bond Board.
Most of the time collateral is not required to post a bond with us. However, in the rare case where collateral is used it usually involves the signing of an indemnity agreement. If property is the collateral being used a lein note or other documents may be required. If you are using cash, jewelry or anything else of value is typically involved. Collateral is sometimes required to guarantee that the defendant will appear. Collateral is released once the case is adjudicated or settled.
When posting bail bonds, you are not responsible for the defendant’s fines or court costs but you should be aware that all fines and court costs levied by the court will be assessed from the cash posted. Also, the police or other law enforcement agency will not assist you in the return of the defendant – the defendent must return on his or her own.
If the defendant does not appear for his or her appointed court date, the judge will order that the full amount of the bond be taken. Posting a surety bond with a bail bond company ensures the defendant’s appearance in court. If the defendant fails to appear, the bail bond company has the authority to apprehend this person and place them into custody which protects the bail bond company, plus the co-signers on the bond.

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